Eye parasites are round and flat, rarely anelides and prickly worms, flies and mosquito larvae. Penetrating into the human body, they gradually spread through it, damaging tissues and organs. Most of them are able to parasitize in the human eye, provoking the development of ophthalmic helminthiasis.
Clinically, these severe pathologies are manifested by pain, burning, itching, visual disturbances, tearing. Immediately after the diagnosis, surgical and (or) conservative treatment is performed.
Diseases caused by parasites in the eyes
More than 50 causes of ophthalmic helminthiasis in humans are known. Some penetrate directly through the mucosa, damaging the conjunctiva or tear ducts. Others infect the eyeball from the inside, passing into it with a stream of blood from the intestines or liver. The parasites begin to actively grow and multiply, laying eggs, leading to partial or complete loss of vision.
Most commonly diagnosed ophthalmic helminthiasis:
- onchocerciasis- helminthiasis caused by parasitization in the human body of nematodes from onchocerciasis (onchocerciasis). Its specific symptom is the "cloudiness" of the cornea;
- ophthalmomyasisis a parasitic disease of the eye and its appendages that occurs when the larvae of flies or flies enter. In severe cases of myiasis, retinal detachment or optic nerve atrophy is possible;
- heartworm disease- helminthiasis that develops when the larva of the filamentous nematode invades the eyeball. The movements of the worms provoke a burning sensation, severe pain and itching;
- asparagusis a human disease from the group of cestodes caused by tapeworm larvae of the genus Spirometra. Infection occurs mainly through the consumption of wild animal meat;
- toxocariasisis a chronic infectious disease caused by the larvae of the roundworm toxocariasis. The source of infection is a sick animal (usually a dog);
- Toxoplasmosisis a chronic parasitic invasion caused by intracellular protozoa (Toxoplasma). Their vital activity is accompanied by constant release of allergens and toxins;
- coenurosisis a predominant chronic disease that occurs after infection with helminths from the group of cestodes of the species Taenia multiceps. A person becomes infected through contact with dogs;
- cysticercosis- a disease caused by the larva of porcine tapeworm, which can lead to reduced vision and blindness;
- gnastostomosis- the disease causes severe pain and often leads to death. Worms that cause this disease more often affect the skin, less often the central nervous system and eyes;
- Echinococcosis of the eyesis a fairly common disease. It is characterized by the formation of parasitic cysts in the orbital zone. Echinococcosis develops due to the ingestion of parasite eggs with food or water.
- ocular demodicosiscaused by the activation of mites that live in the sebaceous glands of the eyelashes.
- Trichinosisis a parasitic pathology that develops after the introduction of the nematode Trichinella spirali into the human body.

It is not sexually mature individuals and larvae that are dangerous to the eyes, but the toxins they release. They are the ones that cause puffiness of the eyelids and redness of the mucous membranes.
Symptoms of eye parasites
Each helminth infestation has its own specific symptoms. But they also have many common signs of damage to the mucous membranes and deeper eye structures.
In the initial stages of the development of the pathology, typical manifestations of conjunctivitis appear:
- redness of the outer layer of the eyeball;
- increased tearing;
- photophobia;
- swelling of the upper and lower eyelids;
- soreness, itching, burning;
- headache localized in the temples and nape;
- slight increase in local temperature.
Young children and weak people develop symptoms of general intoxication of the body. The temperature rises above subfebrile values (37, 1-38, 0 ° C), appetite decreases due to attacks of nausea and vomiting.
Unlike many infections caused by viruses, bacteria and fungi, the course of helminth infestations is accompanied by signs of damage to other organs. These are migrating muscle aches, dry skin, slow hair growth and indigestion.
How to get rid of parasites from your eyes
The larvae of biplanes, protozoa, ticks and other pathogens of parasitic diseases can quickly destroy eye structures. Therefore, treatment is carried out immediately after diagnosis. When choosing therapeutic tactics, doctors take into account the type of infectious agents, the severity of the course of the disease and the severity of symptoms.
If an infected person seeks doctors with advanced helminth infestation, then often conservative treatment does not work.
Parasitic worms must be removed surgically - by opening and draining abscesses according to generally accepted rules.
And then follows a long period of rehabilitation using anthelmintics.
Folk remedies
Even long-term use of powerful modern anthelmintics is often ineffective in such diseases. Urgent surgical removal of larvae, eggs and sexually mature individuals is required.And traditional medicine is completely powerless when the eyes are affected by helminths. Neither tansy, nor centenarian, nor bitter wormwood are able to cope with eye invasion.
The use of decoctions and infusions slightly relieves the symptoms, so the patient postpones the visit to the doctor. Meanwhile, inflammatory and destructive processes intensify and spread in his eyeballs. They predispose to retinal detachment, complete or partial blindness.
Various treatment regimens for ophthalmic diseases caused by worms have been developed. Individual therapy is performed only by specially trained parasitologists. The fact is that after the death of helminths and their decomposition, intraocular toxic-allergic reactions can develop. Only an experienced doctor can minimize the consequences.
The following drugs are used to kill parasitic worms:
- antinematode;
- anticestodial;
- antitrematode;
- broad-spectrum drugs.
Special eye rinses are used for external agents. Antihistamines should be included in treatment regimens and, if necessary, antibiotics and antifungals.
Preventive measures
Myiasis infection occurs when the lining of the eyes comes in contact with flies, midges and flies. That is why doctors of infectious diseases advise to use repellents in the form of aerosols, gels, ointments. Insecticide smoke bombs scare away insects in nature quite well.
But the eggs and larvae of parasitic worms are introduced into the human body mainly through food. They are unstable to temperature effects - they die when heated and boiled. It is also necessary to wash fruits and vegetables brought from the market and store them well.
Parasitic eye diseases cannot be diagnosed and cured independently.
They are often disguised as bacterial, viral, fungal infections. And only with their progress do their distinctive features appear.
A timely visit to the doctor will help preserve vision and avoid losing it.